Print test page on C.itoh Super Riteman C+ printer
How to print a test page on C.itoh Super Riteman C+ printer:Press the LF key and power on the printer.Como hacer un test de impresión en la impresora C.itoh Super…
How to print a test page on C.itoh Super Riteman C+ printer:Press the LF key and power on the printer.Como hacer un test de impresión en la impresora C.itoh Super…
How to print a test page on Star LC-20 printer:Short Test: Press the ON LINE key and power on the printer.Long Test: Press the PAPER FEED key and power on…
How to print a test page on Commodore MPS 1230 printer:Press the LINE FEED key and power on the printer.Como hacer un test de impresión en la impresora Commodore MPS…
Dumped Dragon 200-E ROMs, available for download in the roms section. The Dragon 200-E is equipped with Basic version 1.4E, which makes use of the new character set: uppercase letters,…
Imagedisk disks images for Toshiba T300 (PA7020E) /Pasopia 16 Personal Computers MS-Dos R2 and T-Basic 16, v2.0 y v1.0 disk Diagnostics R2, v1.0 disk Disks dumped with Imagedisk 1.18 on…
Dumped Casio FP-1000 Computer, Spanish version, C1 Basic ROM, E8 E21 Sub PCB ROMs, available for download in the roms section Link: ROMS - OldComputers ES
Imagedisk and Teledisk images for Casio FP1000 and FP1100Program: ASWORD (ABACO Word Processor)DSDD 48tpi 360kb Casio1-Power ON Floppy Disk Drive2-Insert Disk3-Power ON CPU Link: Sofware - OldComputers ES
Nos hemos encontrado con la necesidad de volcar el contenido de unas ROMs 9316 de un ordenador ITT 2020, para salvaguardar el contenido de las mismas. Estas ROMs eran muy…
Dumped ITT 2020 Micro Computer System (Apple II Clone) E0 E8 F0 F8 Integer Basic ROMS, available for download in the roms section Link: ROMS - OldComputers ES
Original manuals for the ITT 2020 Micro Computer System (Apple II Clone), available for download in the documentation section. Link: Manuales y documentación técnica - OldComputers ES Please read these…